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Real Science
Students immerse themselves in seismology, gaining instant feedback from their footsteps, connecting classroom learning to the world around them. With live earthquake data and comprehensive tools, science becomes accessible and engaging.
Free Software
Educators and students can access seismic data anytime, anywhere through free web tools and a mobile app, allowing them to gather insights into classroom movements and out-of-school discoveries worldwide.
Raspberry Shake inspires future scientists beyond the classroom, sparking curiosity and fostering a lifelong love for Earth Science. With a free teacher-guided curriculum, educators have the tools to ignite students’ curiosity and empower them as future scientists.
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Explore Our School Packages
Engage your students and unlock their true potential through real science. Find out about our school packages below.
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Hardware and Sensors
No recurring fees
Professional-grade sensor(s) included
Standard Support
Bring Raspberry Shake to Your Classroom
Powered by Raspberry PI
Professional Grade Sensors
Free Web & Mobile Software
Discover More with Raspberry Shake
Looking for details about our curriculum and teaching materials?
Interested in funding options, including personal teacher grants for schools with budget constraints?

Teacher-Guided Curriculum
Created by educators for beginner and intermediate levels, the curriculum features student and teacher guides and explores seismograph basics, waveforms, tectonic plates, and takes a closer look at earthquakes and safety.
Explore Funding Possibilities
Discover various funding options others have had success with. For grant applications—be it large-scale initiatives or smaller endeavors like personal teacher grants—access an example proposal to streamline your application process.
We’re here to help you bring real science to your classroom and inspire young minds with Raspberry Shake!
Educator Testimonials
Experiences with Raspberry Shake in the classroom

This has raised the profile of geoscience in the school, provided us with data for earthquake location, enabled us to create seismic sections, given us a link to events we can identify from the USGS earthquake catalogue and driven the discussion of earth hazards in the news.
Mark Vanstone
Secondary School Science Teacher

Affordability and flexibility expands opportunities for low income students in Texas – giving them research experiences investigating what is recorded on their classroom seismograph and promoting a valuable positive step in the direction of inquiry-based science education and college readiness.
Kristi Fink
Founder of Texas Educational Seismic Project
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