Network Densification
Fill the gaps between your broadband stations
Faster Earthquake Detections
Improve the speed and accuracy of automated detection systems
More for Less
Buy 100s of Shakes for the price of a single well-installed broadband station
Compatible Seismological Software
Integrates seamlessly with leading seismological tools, enhancing your research and monitoring capabilities

FDSN and SEED Standards
Ensures universal data compatibility across all major seismological software.
Wide Software Support
Compatible with AQMS, Antelope, Earlybird, Earthworm, Geospy, FDSNWS, Hidra, Matlab (GISMO), PQLX, Python (pip, matplotlib, ObsPy), SAC, SeedLink, Seisan, SeisComP, SeisGram2K, Seismic Handler, ShakeMap, SQLX, WinSDR.
EEW Ready
Supports advanced Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) systems like SeisComP’s Virtual Seismologist and PRESTo, providing timely alerts and enhancing safety measures.
Multi-Sensor Models
Choose the Raspberry Shake that best suits your professional application
Our seismic, infrasonic, and seismo-acoustic solutions offer industry-leading performance tailored for professional applications, ensuring accurate data collection and analysis.
Designed for convenience, our solutions are quick to set up and highly portable, making them ideal for deployment in remote locations and field operations.
Fully compatible with SeisComP and supports all FDSN protocols.
Timing accuracy within +/- 10 ms with NTP and GPS support.
144 dB 24-bit ADC Sigma-Delta 𝚺𝚫
Technical Specifications
Elevate Your Seismic Exploration with Raspberry Shake
- 100% SeisComP-compatible
- Native SeedLink Server / miniSEED
- Supports all FDSN protocols including SEED
- Instrument response files generated automatically
- Web-interface (HTML) for easy configuration
Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) compatible
- 4 data packets/ second
- 250 ms/ packet
- Compatible with SeisComP’s Virtual Seismologist
- Compatible with PRESTo
Digitizer Dynamic range
- 144 dB 24-bit ADC Sigma-Delta 𝚺𝚫
- Network Timing Protocol, NTP (default)
- GPS timing supported
- Timing quality: +/- 10 ms or better
Seismograph bandwidth
- -3dB points at 0.7 and 44 Hz
Seismograph clip-level
- +/- 8,388,608 counts (24-bits)
- 21 mm/s peak-to-peak from 0.1 to 10 Hz
MEMS accelerograph bandwidth
- DC to 44 Hz
MEMS clip level
- +/-2G
- 21-22 m/s2 peak-to-peak from 0.1 to 10 Hz
Immersion rating
- IP10 Home and IP67 All Weather enclosures are available for all models
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